Abra Málaga is an open between the pass of the snowy Verónica at about 4330 meters above sea level and was created for the pass of the Cusco-Quillabamba highway and is the highest point of this entire route.
There is a combination of ecosystems on both sides of the pass, on one side a vegetation typical of the Andean mountains and the other side with dwarf forest and cloud forest, very convenient for bird watching with endemic birds.
This trip can be started from Cusco, which takes more time driving to get to the place, or the most convenient is to start from Ollantaytambo.
We will wake up very early fron Cusco or Ollantaytambo to get the Abra Malaga pass at 4316mts and continue to the opposite side of the pass Here we will look for Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, Golden-collared Tanager, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Parodi´s Hemispingus, Marcapata Spinetail, Tit-like Dacnis, cusco Brush-Finch , chestnut bellied mountain tanager etc
Red-and-White, Rufous and Undulated Antpitta are often heard and with some luck we may be able to see some of them.
After seen some of those birds we will comeback to the pass and walk to get the Polylepis woodland to look some species like Royal Cinclodes, Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant and White-browed Tit-Spinetail, Giant Conebill, Line-fronted and Junin Canasteros, Puna Tapaculo, Stripe-headed Antpitta, Thick-billed Siskin, Tawny Tit-Spinetail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, we will probably encounter some ground-tyrants and other species like Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch and Golden-billed Saltator.
Late in the afternoon near Ollantaytambo we will visit a place where they are feeding hummingbirds and some other birds (Yanahuara town)
We can see species like Giant Hummingbird, Green and white Hummingbird, Sword-billed Humminfbird, Black-tailed Trainbeared, Tiryan Metaltail, White-bellied Hummingbird, Sparkling Violeteared and some other hummers.
Marcapata spinetail
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