This Birding route should start in Peru at Jaen a border town in the Cajamarca Region, this is Tropical Dry Forest with Endemic of the Marañon so this tour will put together some of the North specialist of Peru and the South of Ecuador like Tapichala Lodge cloud forest east slope and Buenaventura with Choco cloud forest west slope of the Andes.
This trip can be an extension after visiting the Abra Patricia and the Marvelous Spatuletail hummingbird reserve Huembo.
Day 1, Morning flight from Lima to Jaen so today we visit the Yanahuanca reserve
Overnight: Jaen Hotel
Day 2, We leave toward San Ignacio town then the border with Ecuador so we will be birding toward Tapichalaca Lodge
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
Day 3, Full day Birding at the trails the visit the Jocotoco Antpitta
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
Day 4, Early morning explore the trails on the mountain side to look for Ocellated Tapaculo.
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
Day 5, We leave early in the morning toward Podocarpus National then to Loja town.
Overnight: Hotel Oro Verde Loja / 2060 masl.
Day 6, We continue birding to Buenaventura Lodge by Jocotoco Foundation.
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge / 400 1450 masl
Day 7, Birding at the trails and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Lek then we will explore the trails uphill.
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge
Day 8, Today we have a full day birding for Oro Parakeet near the Lodge
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge
Day 9, Early in the morning we leave to Santa Rosa airport to take the plane to Quito, Cuenca or Guayaquil city
End of the tour
Morning flight from Lima to Jaen so today we visit the Yanahuanca reserve for some of the Marañon specialist so like Little Inca Finch, Marañon Crescent chest, Marañon Spinetail, Slaty Antshrike among others.
We spend the night at Jaen,
Overnight: Jaen Hotel
We leave toward San Ignacio town by car close to the border with Ecuador so we will be birding along the road on the way to Zumba town already Ecuador then to Tapichalaca Lodge (about 5 hours) for some special birds like Red-headed Barbet, Red-hooded Tanager, White-capped Tanager, Golden-crowned Tanage, we should hear latein the afternoon the Jocotoco Antpitta, Andean Potoo, Golden-plumed Parakeet flock flying by and Chesnut-naped Antpitta, Ocellated Tapaculo
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
Bronzy Inca
Note: The Tapichalaca reserve is the first created by the Jocotoco Foundation, thanks to the discovery of one of the rarest birds in the world, the Jocotoco Antpitta. This bird was discovered by the ornithologist Dr. Robert Ridgely, in 1997, in his honour this species is named “Grallaria ridgelyi”.
Full day Birding at the trails, After an early breakfast we will hike uphill to the mountainside so this is the best place to find and photograph the Jocotoco Antpitta one of the latest discovered species of birds in Ecuador and Peru, the Bearded Guan, Coppery-chested Jacamar, White-breasted Parakeet and Masked Mountain Tanager also near threatened birds: the Imperial Snipe, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Brown-billed Scythebill, Neblina Metaltail, Orange-Banded Flycatcher and Masked Saltator.
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
Red-headed Barbet
Early morning explore the trails on the mountain side to look for Ocellated Tapaculo, White-throated Quail-Dove, Rufous Wren, Ochre-breasted Antpitta and other birds, this will a full day birding
Overnight: Tapichalaca Lodge / 1800-3400 masl
we leave early in the morning toward Podocarpus National Parka protected forest by car near Loja birding on the route so we will look for Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Little Sunangel, Rufous-capped Thornbill, Little Woodstar, Bearded Guan, Speckle-face Parrot,Black-hooded Hemispingus, Turquoise Jay, Golden-plumed Parakeet among others birds.
Overnight:Hotel Oro Verde Loja / 2060 masl.
We continue birding and traveling by car 3 hour, early in the morning we leave from Loja toward Buenaventura Lodge run by Jocotoco Funcation so this is a great location for birds at the Choco cloud Forest near the Pacific so we have a healthy population of Green Thorntail Emerald-bellied Woodnymph White-necked Jacobin Green-crowned Brilliant, Purple-throated Woodstar visiting the hummingbird feeders and garden plants.
In the night the Black and white Owl we have a good chance for it
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge / 400 1450 masl
Birding at the trails and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Lek then we will explore the trails uphill and the artificial nest for the Oro Parakeets In this area there are small populations of the endangered Gray-cheeked Parakeet (Brotogeris pyrrhoptera) and the Pacific Royal Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus occidentalis) among other species the Gray-backed Hawks (Chordeiles acutipennis) Ecuadorian Trogon, Whooping Motmot, Black-cheeked woodpecker, Brownish Twistwing, Chocó Toucan, White-whiskered Puffbird Elegant Crescentchest Pacific Royal Flycatcher.
In the afternoon we should relax enjoy the activity of hummers at the feeders in the lodge.
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge
Green Thornbill
Today we have a full day birding for Oro Parakeet, Oro Tapaculo, Ochraceous Attila, at the lek the Club-winged Manakin, Esmeraldas Antbird, Chestnut-backed Antbird, Glistening-green Tanager,
Black-chinned Mountain Tanager, Flame-rumped Tanager Chestnut-headed Oropendola and Orange-crowned Euphonia in the mixed Flock species of birds among many more birds
Overnight: Buenaventura Lodge
Early in the morning we leave to Santa Rosa airport to take the plane to Quito, Cuenca or Guayaquil city
End of the tour