
This is the classic trip to the North of Peru but we will spend a few nights in the new Arena Blanca hostel and we add an extension towards the search for the scarlet bande barbet, an endemic bird located in a place sometimes not so accessible, it is an option to be able to photograph this and other birds

Day 1, Lima- Tarapoto – Waqanki lodge

Day 2  Waqanki Lodge full day

Day 3 Wakanky – Arena Blanca lodge

Day 4 Arena Blanca full day

Day 5 . Arena Blanca Lodge to Owlet Lodge

Day 6,   Owlet Lodge Full day

Day 7 .Owlet to Tarapoto.

Day 8 Tarapa to Bella Vista toward Flor de CAFÉ – Scarlet Banded  Barbet.

DAY 9  Flor de Café Full Day.

DAY 10 Flor de Café to Tarapoto city- Lima.


Day 1

Lima- Tarapoto – Waqanki lodge

After arrived to Tarapoto we will head to Waqanki Lodge and spend part of the afternoon photographing around the garden.


Overnight: Waqanki lodge

Meals: B, L, D.

Day 2 

Waqanki Lodge full day

This is a well-known lodge on the northern route (2821.52 feet), there are many species of birds and a good number of hummingbirds, including the   Rufous-crested Coquette and other species such as,White-necked Jacobin,Brown Violetear,Gray-breasted Sabrewing,Many-spotted Hummingbird,Golden-tailed Sapphire,Sapphire-spangled Emerald,black throated hermit.Great-billed Hermit,Black-throated Mango,Long-billed Starthroat,Blue-tailed Emerald,Violet-headed Hummingbird,

Fork-tailed Woodnymph,White-chinned Sapphire,black throated hermit,amethyst woodstar, Buff-tailed Sicklebill,black eared fairy,fork tailed woodnymph.


Meals: B, L, D.

Moyobamba town

Overnight: Waqanky lodge


Day 3

Wakanky – Arena Blanca lodge


This is a new lodge located at the foothills, some species here are wire crested thorntail, blue fronted lancebill, sometimes black throated brilliant, Gray-breasted Sabrewing, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, brown violeteared, blue tailed emerald, rufous crested coquette, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, rufous throated sapphire(not specific seasons), green fronted lancebill, Long-billed Starthroat, Violet-headed Hummingbird.

They also have an observatory for rufous breasted woodquial, little and cinereous tinamou, orange billed sparrow.

He is working on an observatory for other birds such as the black bellied tanager and other species.

Overnight: Arena Blanca Lodge


Day 4

Arena Blanca full day

We will spend time aroud the garden then visit Llanteria where we can find some species like ecuatorian piedtail and some times napo sabrewing .

Then this lodge allows to visist Altonieva reserve where we can photograph greenish pufflegg,royal sunangel and some other hummers .



Overnight: Arena Blanca Lodge

Meals: B, L, D.

Owlet Lodge 2300mts/ 7360ft


Royal Sunangel

Day 5 .

Arena Blanca Lodge to Owlet Lodge

We will leave to the lodge early heading to Aquas Verdes (1 hour driving) , This place, also known as the Arena Blanca Reserve, has several birds and of course hummingbirds such as Wire-crested Thorntail,Gray-breasted Sabrewing,Golden-tailed Sapphire,Sapphire-spangled Emerald,brown violeteared,blue tailed emerald,rufous crested coquette, Fork-tailed Woodnymph,black throated brilliant(not specific seasons),rufous throated sapphire(not specific seasons)blue fronted lancebill,green fronted lancebill, Long-billed Starthroat, Reddish Hermit, Violet-headed Hummingbird,green hermit,


After we will ascending the Alto Mayo valley, in our journeys we will stop at different elevations for photo opportunities, this is in our way to Owlet Lodge.


Overnight: Owlet Lodge

Meals: B, L, D.

Owlet Lodge 2300mts/ 7360ft

Day 6

  Owlet Lodge  Full day

This lodge has several points where hummingbirds are very active, one of the favorites is in front of the dining room where you can work to get good images, here the elevation is different, it is the upper part of the cloud forest and we have species like,Lesser Violetear,Speckled Hummingbird,Emerald-bellied Puffleg,Bronzy Inca

Collared Inca,Chestnut-breasted Coronet,Fawn-breasted Brilliant,White-bellied Woodstar,sword billed hummingbird, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Violet-fronted Brilliant,brown violetear,long tailed sylph.

Also this day we can take the opportunity to visit Huembo to see the endemic hummingbird Marvelous spatuletail that is an hour from the lodge and other birds around.


Overnight: Owlet Lodge

Meals: B, L, D.

Owlet Lodge 2000mts/ 6400ft

Marvellous spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis)



Day 7

Owlet Lodge to Tarapoto.

Today we will use part of the morning to see some species between Owlet lodge and Huembo if we need it before heading towards Tarapoto also looking for more species of birds.

  • Elevation: Tarapoto 360mts / 1150ft

Overnight: Tarapoto hotel


Day 8

Tarapoto to Bella Vista toward Flor de CAFÉ – Scarlet Banded  Barbet.


In the morning we drive along a paved road for 2 hours to Bella Vista a farming area of rise. Here we take a bumpy road uphill, passing through the corn and Coffee plantations run by local farmers so along the route we stop at different Birding spots so we will get there for lunch time at the local family hostel, this is the Scarlet-banded Barbet location.

After lunch we will be birding for the Barbet, as well as Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater, Cerulean-capped Manakin and many more birds, this is our first try for the main target species at the cloud forest 1400mts / 4500ft elevation so it has patches of pristine forest and coffee plantations. The trail is uphill and pass a beautiful forest where there are a lot of birds mixed flocks species of birds among them the Scarlet-banded Barbet.

We will have dinner then if we want to go for nocturnal bird there is a chance for Vermiculated Screech Owl in the evening.

  • Meals: B,L,D
  • Elevation: Flor de café 1600mts / 5120ft
  • Overnight: Flor de Café family Hostal

DAY 9 

Flor de Café Full Day.


Today we have a full day at the Barbet and Cordillera Azul Antbird area. As the day begins early in the morning, we leave to the main trails to look main targets here the Scarlet-banded Barbet, Scarlet-breasted and Fiery-throated Fruiteaters, Foothill Schiffornis, Short-tailed Antthrush, this is a place for many colourful Tanagers as well, Jet and Blue-rumped Manakin.

In the Afternoon we head to the main trails for the Cordillera Azul Antbird a newly discovered Antbird so our local guide will take us to the main territories where they are found.

  • Dinner at the family Hostal.
  • Meals: B,L,D
  • Elevation: Flor de café 1600mts / 5120ft
  • Overnight: Flor de Café family Hostal

Scarlet-banded Barbet


DAY 10

Flor de Café to Tarapoto city- Lima.

This morning we have another opportunity to find the Barbet around the community Flor de Café if we had not seen or the specialties of this area, then we will star heading back to Tarapoto city in our way down we will be birding and stop at various habitats for bird.

It includes

Included in your trip :

Air tickets for domestic flights.

All the accommodations (hotels,lodges)


Water available all the time

Private Van transportation

All meals are included.

English speaking guide.

Entrances fee for blinds to see hummingibirds or other birds.


Not Included:


Excess baggage charges.

Laundry service, room service, tips or gratuity, medical expenses

Personal expenses and tips.

Passengers should bring some cash.




per person
Peru Wild Birds