Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of flora and fauna in the world, it has the largest number of birds in the world and this invites you to visit it.
DAY 1. Arrival to Cali
Overnight: Cali Hotel
Day 2. We drive from Cali to the Araucana area Birding and Photograph
Overnight: Hotel Araucana Lodge
Day 3. We will explore and photograph at Minga area
Overnight: Hotel Araucana Lodge
Day 4. We drive from Araucana Lodge to Manizales then El Bosque
Overnight: El Bosque.
Day 5. We will have birding and Photography session at the garden and the Hummingbird feeder.
Overnight: El Bosque.
Day 6. Morning, we drive to Rio Blanco Reserve then to Termales del Ruiz Birding and Photograph
Overnight: Termales del Ruiz.
Day 7. Early in the morning we drive to Los Nevados National Park Birding and Photograph
Overnight: Termales del Ruiz.
Day 8. We start at garden Birding and Photography then drive to Jardines
Overnight: Los Jardines Hotel
Day 9. We leave early in the morning to the Mirador El Roble Birding and Photography
Overnight: Los Jardines Hotel
Day 10. We leave after Birding and Photography toward Medellin city
We will drive after photograph more tanagers around the place to Medellin for 4 hours.
Overnight: Medellin hotel
Day 11. We transfer you to the airport
Flight back home.
We will drive to famous kilometer 18 and spend the morning here ,there are good places for tanagers,barbets,quails,hummingbirds like
Chestnut Wood-Quail, Multicolored Tanager,Saffron-crowned, Golden-naped
tanagers ,Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager,Long-tailed Sylph, white Booted Rackettail,
Blue-headed Sapphire, Green Violetear, Fawn-breasted
Brilliant, Speckled Hummingbird, White-necked Jacobin.
Brown Violetear and Tawny-bellied Hermit.
Late in the afternoon we will arrive to the lodge.
Overnight: Hotel Araucana Lodge
Multicoloured Tanager
We will spend time around the lodge and other place and both places will produce species like Long-billed Starthroat, White-lined Tanager, Blue-headed Saphire, Red-headed Barbet, Golden Tanager, Yellow-backed Oriole,toucanets,flowerpiercing,honeycreepers, and hummers to photograph
Overnight : Hotel Araucana lodge
Silver throated tanager
Today we will head towards Manizales to get to the Bosque, a very well known place to photograph various birds, we will spend the night there after a long day, of course we will photograph the rest of the day if the weather allows us.
Overnight; El Bosque.
Crescent-faced Antpitta
Today we will spend time at the lodge where you have several birds to photograph among anpittas, mountain toucans, fruiteaters, hummingbirds and other birds that we mention such as Hooded mountain tanagers,the gray breasted mountain toucan, Crescent-faced Antpitta,chami Antpitta ,green and black fruiteater,mountain wren ,yellow bellied chat tyrant.
Overnight: El Bosque.
Gray breasted mountain Toucan
Another day visiting places like Rio Blanco Reserve where we will try to photograph birds like Brown-banded,Bicolored, Chestnut-crowned, Chestnut-naped, and Slate crowned antpittas, and Stripe-headed Brush-Finch.
After lunch we will head to Termalis del Ruiz .
Overnight: Termalis del Ruiz.
Buffy Helmetcrest
In the morning we will head to Los Nevados National Park above 5300 meters to some species like Buffy Helmetcrest, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill,Viridian Metaltail, Brown backed chat tyrant,golden crowned tanager, Black-backed Bush-Tanager, and Glossy Flowerpiercer.
In the afternoon we will spend time around the hotel and the visitors in the feeders are scarlet bellied mountain tanager,lacrimose mountain tanager,sword billed hummingbird,black thighed puffleg,great saphirewing.
Overnight : Termaliz del Ruiz.
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill
Usually in the morning we can still photograph some birds around the lodge and then continue our journey to the village of Jardines.
Overnight: Los Jardines
We will visit El Roble Birding place to look for the yellow eared parrot, chestnut naped antpitta, rufous crowned tody flycatcher and more hummingbirds, in the afternoon we will be ready to visit the lek of the cock of the rock
Over night : Los Jardines
Yellow eared Tanager.
We will photograph some birds in the morning and then head to Medellin driving for 4 hours.
Overnight :Medellin
Flight back home.