This is the type of bird watching trips where we can visit one of the best Andean highland lagoons such as Piuray with a large concentration of birds, then visit the hummingbird observatory with several species of hummingbirds that are easy to observe and end the day observing the torrent ducks, bearded mountaineer and other species of birds before returning to Cusco
Today we will start early from Cusco and drive for 1 hour to reach the Piuray lagoon, here we will find species such as Andean gulls, puna teals, yellow billed teals, andean teals, slate colored coot, common gallinule, burrowing owl, silvery greebe, brown bellied swallow,many colored rush tyrant,grenish yellow finch,plumbeus rail,spot winged pigeon,puna ibis,black faced ibis, then we continue to the sacred valley and visit the Yanahuara Hummingbird Sanctuary where we will see some species such as green and white hummingbird ,giant hummingbird,tiryan metaltail,sparkling violetear,shinning sunbeam, and other species around like creamy crested spinetail,chestnut breasted mountain finch, red crested cotinga etc.
After a good lunch we will go to Pachar where we will look for the Torrent duck, bearded mountaneer, andean swif, white browned chat and yellow tanager,peruvian sierra finch,green and black tailed trainbearer.
Afterwards we will return to Cusco before nightfall.
Many colored rush tyrant
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