The Manu National Park protects one of the most important areas on the planet in terms of the mega-diversity of biological species. Its great extension crosses frigid punas, which exceed 4,000 meters above sea level, wooded mountains that give rise to a multitude of small ravines and valleys, high jungle cloud forests and finally the Amazonian plain. This magnificent and unique setting includes a wide and complex hydrographic system and guarantees the presence of a diversity of ecosystems little intervened by man.
On this trip we will be able to visit several ecosystems that will offer us many species of birds at different elevations in a forest that has not yet been deforested as much as in other places in the country.
Meals: Box lunch, Dinner.
Overnight: Wayquecha Biological Station
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
Overnight: Cock of the Rock Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner.
Overnight: Villa Carmen Biological Station
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Villa Carmen Biological Station
Meals: Breakfast, Box Lunch
End of the Tour in Cusco city
The day begins when we pick you up at the Cusco airport. The airport is at an altitude of 11,000 feet and Cusco temperatures drop quickly in the evening so bring layers of warm clothing. After a delicious breakfast, we head to Huacarpay Lake, about twenty-five kilometers south of Cusco. As we slowly walk around the lake and marshy grassland we’ll look for two endemic species, the Bearded Mountaineer and the Rusty-fronted Canastero, as well as numerous other high Andean species.
We’ll stop along the Manu road for a tasty box lunch and continue on to several spots in the mountain valleys to look for the Andean Flicker, Black-throated Flowerpiercer, and Creamy-crested Spinetail (endemic). As we approach the Andean pass of Aicanaco we will have beautiful views of the Andes behind us and the Amazon Basin before us. At the pass we’ll have a chance to see the Scribble-tailed and Line-fronted Canastero and the Puna and Diademed Tapaculo. Working our way down the eastern slope of the Andes, the forest becomes more continuous and we’ll find mixed-species flocks of Mountain Tanagers, flycatchers, Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan, White-collared Jay and Mountain Cacique. In the late afternoon we arrive at the Wayqecha Station. Here, we’ll relax in comfortable lodgings with private bathrooms and hot water. Guests enjoy gathering in the dining room for the Wi-Fi and hot drinks.
We will overnight at the Wayqecha Station (9300ft).
Many colored rush tyrant
After an early breakfast we will descend through the elfin forest into the cloud forest. Along the way we will see the Barred Fruiteater, Chesnut-crested Cotinga, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, White-bellied Woodstar, Versicolored Barbet, and Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. Other species we may find are the White-crowned Tapaculo, Yungas Manakin, Crested Quetzal, Versicolored Barbet, Golden-eared Tanager, Highland Motmot and many more. We will keep descending in altitude as we bird along the road looking for the Bar-bellied Woodpecker, White-throated Tyrannulet, Ochraceous-breasted and Unadorned Flycatchers, Barred Becard, Pale-footed Swallow, Mountain Wren, Citrine Warbler Slaty Gnateater, Chestnut-breasted Wren, Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet, Spotted Nightingale Thrush, Amazonian Umbrella Bird, Tyrannine Woodcreeper, Masked Trogon, Crimson-bellied Woodpecker, Black-streaked Puffbird, Paradise Tanager, Saffron-crowned Tanager, Golden Tanager. If we’re lucky we may see gray woolly monkeys. We will arrive to the Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge in late afternoon. Enjoy a welcome drink and settle into your room, before a pre-dinner owl prowl.
We will overnight at Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge (4900ft).
Grass green Tanager
After an early morning bird walk and breakfast we’ll drive to El Mirador (Union Lookout) to look for mixed-species flocks of Blue-necked Tanagers, Paradise Tanagers, Bush Tanagers, Slaty-capped Flycatchers, Slate-throated red stars, Olive-backed and Mountain woodcreepers, Mountain Foliage Gleaners, Blue-banded and Chesnut-tipped toucanets, Crimson-bellied and Golden Olive woodpeckers, and Highland Motmots. El Mirador is a great place to spot raptors as well.
Back to the lodge for lunch and time to enjoy the garden, home to at least six species of hummingbirds, the Booted Racket-tail, and Wire-crested Thorntail.
We’ll set aside some time to visit a lek in the cloud forest to observe the Cock-of-the-Rock. We’ll get a chance to watch the colorful males dance to attract the females.
Andean cock of the rock
We’ll have another chance to visit the Cock-of-the-Rock lek before we continue our journey in the cloud forest – through trees, waterfalls, and dramatic ravines – to the Andean foothills and bamboo forest. Here we’ll look for species like the Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner, Red-billed Scythebill, Chesnut-backed Antstrike, Foothill Antwren, White-backed Fire-eye, Yellow- breasted Flycatcher, Stripe-chested Antwren, and Cabanis Spinetail. We’ll also see the Golden-bellied Warbler, Ornate Flycatcher, Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet, rare Peruvian Pietail (endemic hummingbird), and Fine-barred Piculet (endemic). In Pillcopata we’ll stop to visit a coca plantation and learn about this plant and its many medicinal uses.
Goulds jewelfront
After breakfast, we’ll get back on Manu Road and continue our bird watching. The landscape will change as we climb and move through the cloud and elfin forests. We’ll have a good chance to see Mountain Tanagers, Chat Tyrants, and elaenias. We’ll have a box lunch along the way as we move through the magical landscape toward Cusco. The trip ends when we drop you back at your hotel in Cusco.
Golden headed Quetzal
Included in your trip :
Not Included