Percy was born in Cusco city and began working in tourism in 1999 for an ecotourism lodge in Tambopata, the rainforest in southeastern Peru. He became a Resident Naturalist Guide in 2001 for the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja Sonene National Park in the Madre de Dios region. Percy has also worked with and helped guide Peruvian and international biologists doing fieldwork in the natural areas of Peru.
His interests in natural history and guiding led him to work in Manu National Park where he honed his bird identification and guiding and birding skills. In the last few years, Percy has expanded his guiding work to more regions of Peru including the northern Marañón area, the coast, the cloud forest, and the rainforest in the South,Central and Northern birding routes. He recently traveled to Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica on a birding trip to expand his knowledge of Central American avifauna. Alongside his skills as a birding guide, Percy leads trips in the Natural History, Archeology, Culture and Folklore of Peru.
Percy is a Official Tour Guide with a degree in Tourism.