The perfect type of trip for photographers in Perú with very accessible birds to photograph, we have a combination of Macaws from the rainforest ,Machupicchu from the South and then the Northern with more endemic species like the Marvelous Spatuletail.
Day 1.
Flight Lima – Puerto maldonado (Tambopata National Reserve)
Altitude: 180mts / 580ft. Puerto Maldonado city
Overnight: Sandoval Lake Lodge
Meals: B,L,
Day 2
Lago Sandoval.
Overnight: Sandoval Lake Lodge
Meals: B,L,
Black Caiman
Sandoval lake Lodge to Puerto Maldonado to Collpas Tambopata Inn
Overnight: Collpas Tambopata Inn
Meals: B,L,D
Day 4
Colpa Chuncho
Overnight: Collpas Tambopata Inn
Meals: B,L,D
Day 5
Collpas Tambopata Inn to Puerto Maldonado – Flight Cuzco – Ollantaytambo
Overnight: Pakaritampu Hotel – Ollantaytambo
Altitude: 3300mts / 10560ft. Cusco city
Altitude: 2700mts / 8640ft. Ollantaytambo town
Meals: B,L,D
Day 6
Valle Sacrado – Ensifera camp
Overnight: Pakaritampu Hotel – Ollantaytambo
Meals: B,L,D
Day 7
Ollantaymbo – Macchu picchu + Jardin botanico (Mariposario)
Overnight: Casa Andina Machupicchu
Altitude: 2000mts / 6400ft. Machupicchu town.
Altitude: 2400mts / 7680ft. Machupicchu inca citadel
Meals: B,L,D
Day 8
Machupicchu to Cuzco / Lima
Overnight: Casa Andina Select Miraflores Hotel.
Altitude: Lima city sea level
Meals: B, L,D
Day 9
Flight Lima to Tarapoto then Aconabith (Centro de Picalfores)
Overnight: DM Tarapoto hotel
Altitude: 356mts / 1140ft. Tarapoto city
Meals: B,L,D
Day 10
Tarapoto to Waqanki Lodge
Overnight: Waqanki Lodge
Altitude: 860mts / 2752ft. Moyobamba town
Meals: B,L,D
Day 11
Waqanki Lodge, full day birding
Meals: B,L,D
Day 12
Waqanki to Owlet Lodge, full day Birding and photography
Overnight: Owlet Lodge
Altitude: 2300mts /7360ft. Abra Patricia
Meals: B,L,D
Day 13
Owlet lodge, full day birding and photography
Overnight: Owlet Lodge
Meals: B,L,D
Day 14
Owlet lodge to Huembo
Overnight: Huembo Lodge
Altitude: 2060mts / 6590ft. Huembo Interpretation Center
Meals: B,L,D
Day 15
Owlet lodge to Huembo, full day photography
Overnight: Huembo Lodge
Meals: B,L,D
Marvelous Spatuletail
Day 16
Huembo to Jaen city, flight to Lima
End of the tour
Transfer from the airport to the river port Tambopata then we will take a boat down in the Tambopata river a tributary river of Madre de Dios after we will be to reach the left bank of this river to start the hike to the check point Tambopata National Reserve then to a main trail 3km to the Sandoval lake.
We will navigate the lake by boat or catamaran toward the Lodge to enjoy the excursion looking for wildlife before sunset.
This is one of the best places to find Giant River Otters, Red-howler Monkey, Brown Capuchin, Bolivian Squirrel Monkeys, and many water birds like Ringed & Amazon Kingfisher, Hoatzin, Agami Heron, Red-bellied Macaws among many more birds.
Altitude: 180mts / 580ft. Puerto Maldonado city
Overnight: Sandoval Lake Lodge
Meals: B,L,
IN the morning after breakfast we take the boat around lake to look for the family of Giant River Otter and many more wildlife like monkeys (6 species of New world Monkeys).
The midmorning we explore the trails then the afternoon we have the change see the return flight of the resident Red-bellied Macaw to the palm trees Mauritia.
In the night we will have a night walk to explore for night time creatures.
Overnight: Sandoval Lake Lodge
Meals: B,L,
Black Caiman
We will leave the Sandoval lake to Puerto Maldonado city then by car to La Florida this is for a short ride by boat at the Tambopata river to the Chuncho Lodge.
In the afternoon we will explore trails and the tower – Canopy so we can find the White-throated Toucan, Curl-crested Aracari, Scarlet & Blue and Yellow Macaw among many more birds.
Overnight: Collpas Tambopata Inn
Meals: B,L,D
Red & Green Macaw
Early in the morning we leave by boat to the hide for the Macaw Clay Lick, this morning we are expecting to see many species of parrot and Macaws to arrive for an early doses of clay as they need for a vegetarian diet.
Scarlet, Red and Green, Blue and Yellow Macaw, Yellow-crowned, Mealy Parrots, Blue-headed, Orange-cheeked Parrot, White-eyed Parakeets among many more birds.
The rest of the morning to look at the river for Jaguars and Capybaras
The afternoon we explore trails and visit the tower.
Overnight: Collpas Tambopata Inn
Meals: B,L,D
In the morning we have a second chance to visit the Macaw Clay Lick.
We will take the midday flight Puerto Maldonado to Cusco then by car to the Sacred Valley.
We will be arriving to the Ollantaytambo town to try for photos at the Hotel gardens
Bearded Mountaineer, Giant Hummingbird, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Black throated Flowerpiercer among others species of birds.
Overnight: Pakaritampu Hotel – Ollantaytambo
Altitude: 3300mts / 10560ft. Cusco city
Altitude: 2700mts / 8640ft. Ollantaytambo town
Meals: B,L,D
Giant Hummingbird
We will be visiting the Ensifera Camp for the humming feeders and bird feeders in the morning.
Giant Hummingbird, Shinning Sunbeam, Tyrian Metaltail, Sparkling Violetear, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch, Blue and Yellow Tanager.
Lunch at the local restaurant and the afternoon we spend time at the garden of the Hotel.
Overnight: Pakaritampu Hotel – Ollantaytambo
Meals: B,L,D
Bearded Mountaineer
In the morning we take the train from Ollantaytambo to Machupicchu town. In Machupicchu town we will be at The Mariposario for photo session in the morning until lunch after we will have the guided tour at the Inca city.
Saffron-crowned, Golden, Silvery Tanagers, Thick-billed Euphonia, Dusky-green, Oropendola, along the river Torrent Ducks and Andean Motmot.
Overnight: Casa Andina Machupicchu
Altitude: 2000mts / 6400ft. Machupicchu town.
Altitude: 2400mts / 7680ft. Machupicchu inca citadel
Meals: B,L,D
Machupicchu Inca City
We leave Machupicchu in the morning just after a photo session then we will take the train to Ollantaytambo.
Once in Ollantaytambo to we will have lunch on route passing over the mountains and lake views.
We will get in Cusco for late afternoon flight to Lima city.
Overnight: Casa Andina Select Miraflores Hotel.
Altitude: Lima city sea level
Meals: B, L,D
Early in the morning we fly from Lima to Tarapoto, today we arrive early to visit the Hummingbird garden for photos, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Gray-breasted Sabrewing, Goulds Jewelfront, Fork-tailed Woodnymph,White-necked Jacobin then we will explore the surroundings of Tarapoto .
Overnight: DM Tarapoto hotel
Altitude: 356mts / 1140ft. Tarapoto city
Meals: B,L,D
Goulds Jewelfront
In the morning we have a visit to Ricuricocha for photos Comb Duck, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Hoatzin, Wattled Jacana then we drive to Moyobamba to Waqanki Lodge, on the way we will stop for birds, in Moyobamba – Waqanki Lodge we will visit the Hummingbird feeders and gardens like Rufous-crested Coquette, White-necked Jacobin, Black-breasted Mango, Black-throated Hermit, Paradise Tanager, Black-bellied Tanager, Gartered Trogon.
Overnight: Waqanki Lodge
Altitude: 860mts / 2752ft. Moyobamba town
Meals: B,L,D
Rufous-crested Coquette
We will be having photo session around the garden and near trails.
Overnight: Waqanki Lodge
Meals: B,L,D
We leave early in the morning to Aguas Verdes (Hummingbird Feeders station) so we have hummingbird feeders and bird feeders for Magpie Tanager, Wire-crested Thorn tail, Rufous- crested Coquette, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Paradise Tanager, it is good for photo birds then we gradually we will be driving up the route to Llanteria another local initiative for hummingbirds Booted Racket-tail, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Green Hermit, Violet-fronted Brilliant.
In the afternoon we will be spending time at the Owlet Lodge gardens and feeders Sword-billed Hummingbird, Collared Inca, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Fawn-breasted Brilliant
Overnight: Owlet Lodge
Altitude: 2300mts /7360ft. Abra Patricia
Meals: B,L,D
Wire-crested Thorntail
Today we will be visiting the the Alto Nieva (Observatorio de Picaflores) this is a great place for Hummingbirds Booted Racket-tail, Greenish Puffleg, Long-tailed Sylph, Royal Sunangel, Bronzy Inca unique for this elevation and Antpittas: Ochre-fronted Antpitta, Rusty-tinged Antpitta Endemic species.
In the afternoon we will have a time for the tower nearby the lodge.
Overnight: Owlet Lodge
Meals: B,L,D
Long-tailed Sylph
We will leave the lodge after a photo session of Chestnut Antpitta then we drive to Pomacochas lake – Huembo Interpretation Center for photos of Silvery, Hepatic Tanager,
This Huembo Interpretaion Center is where we find the Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird coming to the feeders.
Overnight: Huembo Lodge
Altitude: 2060mts / 6590ft. Huembo Interpretation Center
Meals: B,L,D
We will have the day visiting and trying for photos at the hummingbird feeders Marvelous Spatuletail, Purple-throated Sunangel, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Brown &Lesser Violetear, Little &White-bellied Woodstar, Andean Emerald hummingbird and many more birds.
Overnight: Huembo Lodge
Meals: B,L,D
Marvelous Spatuletail
We drive around 4 hours in the pave road toward Jaen a tropical dry forest location we will be birding along the road so we will take and afternoon flight to Lima city
End of the tour
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